Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What's a "tag"?

So my real life friend, Kelly "tagged" me with something called a meme. Where I am supposed to give up 7 unusual things about myself. OK, here goes...

1. If in the unusual event I "forget" to make my bed in the morning-I have to make it before I get in it. Even if it is right before I am about to get into said unmade bed! (hows that Dr. Seuss!)

2. I have a strange love for the smell of bleach-my AZ friends are well aware of that...so no secret to them!

3. When in the shower I am kind enough to save my hubby the cost of drain-o or a good plumber by "swirling" the lose hair I get from shampooing on the wall....much to his disliking I often forget to remove the small "creature" and dispose of it properly in the waste receptacle. There, I outed myself on that one , Kelly!!!!

4. I could watch "Pride and Prejudice" every night of my life and never get bored...but who could ever tire of Mr. Darcy??? (that would be the new version, not the terribly long, 6 hour version by the BBC)

5. I have to move my feet in a clock-wise motion in order to fall asleep-I only recently found out how much this annoys my husband!

6. There is a certain way to eat, no, savor chocolate.....slowly and with a glass of my favorite red wine, on the porch with a good friend.....sure miss you Mrs.L!

7. When I get anxious I rub my left eyebrow-and as my hubby knows-I have been known to rub it right down to nothing!!!

As I look over this tip- of- the- iceberg list of my "habits", how do you do it My Love? Boy am I glad God gave me to you! (Of course, not so sure you would say the same!!! Love you and counting down the days!!!!)


Anonymous said...

I think of you whenever I get the bleach - and No I'm not kidding.

Ahh yes . . . P & P. But so blessed that we have our own Mr. Darcys.

Lambrusco and dark chocolate. God's creations are so good.

You must have gotten better about the neurotic eyebrow thing - I noticed it was pretty much back the last time you were here.

Smooch the children, and do 'Ba-na-ma-na' w/His Royal Handsomeness for me!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I cannot even tell you how cool I feel since I knew almost all of those things already.

(singing) I'm coo-ool, I'm coo-ool! (done singing)