Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year-New Look?

Yes, as you can see I did a little remodeling to the blog site. I really wish I knew how to make it more my style-but I only know how to use the templates provided...perhaps I will look into that in my spare time! For now-this was a fun makeover!

So here's what I have been thinking. Well, first, here's what happened.

I was making dinner last night and was missing an ingredient. So I dug deep into the "black hole" of a pantry that we have to see ,if by chance I had said ingredient canned somewhere back in the recesses of the cupboard. After digging and shoving and pushing things aside, out of frustration I decided to just empty every shelf out onto the counter. OH... my, my, my.....

side note:have you ever had gluttony just stare at you right in the face? Sorry, I am getting ahead of myself

I contemplated for about half of a second weather or not to brave the arctic chill of winter that was outside my door to go get this elusive ingredient. Did the recipe really call for it? I should look at it again...yup, that's what it needs....oh well - nitrate induced hot dogs it is then!
Anyway, that's when the epiphany hit me. The idea that is rocking the world of the precious little ones that live with me.

Just how long could we last only eating what we have hoarded in the pantry?

I took the idea to the kids and shockingly, it has become quite a challenge! We got really excited about how this is going to play out. We decided to write down our meals daily; to keep a log of how we eat. I predict that we will be just fine for a while-but I can't wait until we get down to crackers and ketchup! (By the way-I have had that for dinner growing up-that's a post for another day!)

So, here we go. On our little" journey". Day one-so far so good....soup and sandwiches for lunch;sloppy joes and fries for dinner; complaints yet, but I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I eagerly await the results of the great experiment.

But if you really end up eating ketchup and crackers, I'll have to send an emergency shipment of cold cereal. Think of the children!